Personal Winner's Bible Journal

Now you can carry your Personal Winner's Bible with you at all times. A brand new Winner's Bible Journal is now available in German and English language. The pwb-Journal is rooted in proven scientific research and is the practical application of the neuroscientific methods described in The Winner’s Bible: Rewire your brain for permanent change, the number 1 bestselling book by Dr. Kerry Spackman, a long-term Formula 1 consultant and neuroscientist. The book contains methods and tools developed to transform the performance of world- & Olympic champions, and business people alike. We are very sorry to inform you that the English version of 'The Winner's Bible' is currently out of print. The German version of 'The Winner's Bible': Das Geheimnis erfolgreicher und glücklicher Menschen is available by clicking on the home page.

Five minutes daily use of your Personal Winner’s Bible (pwb) Journal permanently rewires the logical and emotional circuits of your brain to accelerate the achievement of your Goals and create the life you’ve always wanted.

Fill in the form below to download the pwb-Journal. Hurry, free for limited time only.